UBC Manufacturing Engineering Welcomes the Class of 2026 on Imagine Day

Students in a lab on UBC Imagine Day

On Imagine Day, UBC Manufacturing Engineering warmly welcomed the incoming MANU cohort, ushering them into a new academic journey. This special day, a UBC tradition, offered  MANU students a unique introduction to their university life and a chance to connect with their future mentors and peers.

The Imagine Day event commenced with an inspiring presentation highlighting the significance of the manufacturing engineering industry, setting the stage for what lies ahead. As students settled into their new academic environment, they were introduced to the different aspects of the program at UBC, including the exciting opportunity to participate in the engineering co-op program, providing them with valuable real-world engineering experience alongside their studies Members of the Manufacturing Engineering Undergraduate Club also welcomed the newcomers by shedding light on the vibrant student life within the program and emphasizing the invaluable peer support available. 

In addition to these informative sessions, students had the chance to explore the Manufacturing Engineering Maker’s Space, engaging in a collaborative team-building activity that fostered a sense of camaraderie right from the start. Apart from these activities and as part of the onboarding process, an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) workshop was conducted by Dr. Ben Britton, the Chair of the MANU EDI Committee. This workshop addressed pressing EDI topics, ensuring that all students gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

To the Class of 2026, welcome to an exciting journey that holds the promise of engineering marvels and lasting impacts on the world. Together, let’s build a brighter future!

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