
The manufacturing program is designed to be completed in 8 academic semesters with an optional 16 months of Co-op work placement. The number of credits taken by students in manufacturing engineering each year is approximately 40 credits. Students must complete 6 credits in Complementary Studies and 9 credits in Technical Electives.

In addition to the common first-year Engineering courses, students in the Manufacturing program will take courses in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Computer Engineering as well as specifically designed Manufacturing Engineering courses including Manufacturing Processes, Production Systems Management, and Industrial Automation. Each year the program features a design course which will prepare students for a final Capstone design project in year 4. This program has been designed to meet accreditation requirements by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers.

Course Title Credits
APSC 278/279 Engineering Materials 4
CPEN 223 Software Design for Engineering 4
ELEC 203 Basic Circuit Analysis 3
MANU 201 Technical Communication 3
MANU 230 Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory 4
MANU 261 Thermodynamics 3
MANU 265 Machine Dynamics 3
MATH 253 Multivariable Calculus 3
MATH 255 Ordinary Differential Equations 3
MECH 260 Introduction to Mechanics of Materials 3
MTRL 263 Transport Phenomena I - Fluid Mechanics 3
MTRL 264 Transport Phenomena II - Heat Transfer 3
Total 39

Course Title Credits
ELECTIVE Impact of Engineering on Society 3
CPEN 333 System Software Engineering 3
MANU 270 Production Management I 3
MANU 330 Manufacturing Engineering Project I 6
MANU 378 Engineering Materials II 3
MANU 380 Manufacturing Processes I 3
MANU 386 Industrial Automation 3
MECH 360 Mechanics of Materials 3
MECH 368 Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation 3
MECH 463 Mechanical Vibrations 4
MTRL 455 Engineering Economics 3
STAT 251 Elementary Statistics 3
Total 40

Course Title Credits
MANU 370 Production Management II 3
MANU 430 Manufacturing Design Capstone Project 6
MANU 480 Manufacturing Processes II 3
MANU 481 Manufacturing Processes III 3
MANU 485 Metal Cutting and Machine Tool Vibration 3
MECH 400 Professionalism and Ethics in Engineering 3
MECH 467 Computer Control of Mechatronics Systems 4
MECH 491 Computer Aided Manufacturing 3
Complementary Studies 3
Technical Electives 9
Total 40

Course Title Credits
MANU 450 Biomedical Device Manufacturing 3
MANU 453 Additive Manufacturing Design 3
MANU 458 Manufacturing for Clean Energy 3
MANU 465 AI and Machine Learning Applications in Manufacturing 3
CHBE 402 Biomass Fractionation Technology 3
CHBE 474 Process Control Engineering 3
CHBE 483 Energy Engineering 3
CHBE 486 Waste Management for Resource Recovery 3
ELEC 462 Sensors and Actuators in Microsystems 3
MECH 462 Finite Element Analysis 3
MECH 464 Industrial Robotics 3
MECH 468 Modern Control Engineering 3
MECH 469 Dynamic System Modeling 3
MECH 493 Introduction to Academic Research 3
MECH 496 Engineering Management 3
MTRL 394 Polymer and Polymer Matrix Composites 4
MTRL 424 Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing 3
MTRL 460 Monitoring and Optimization of Materials Processing 3
MTRL 472 Welding and Joining of Materials 3
MTRL 478 Electronic Materials 3
MTRL 485 Failure of Materials 3
MTRL 486 Nondestructive Evaluation 3
MTRL 494 Composite Materials 3

The figure below shows the MANU curriculum including pre and corequisites.

Last updated: May 8, 2023

Courses are subject to availability and may require permission from the instructor to enroll.

Students must also complete 3 credits in Complementary Studies* and 9 Credits in Technical Electives**.

* Students should confer with their academic advisor to determine eligible Complementary Studies courses.

** Students should confer with their academic advisor and consult the MANU program webpage for a list of acceptable Technical Electives.